USED puch complete VDO speedometer with housing - FROZEN
USED puch complete VDO speedometer with housing - FROZEN
alternate reality price $17.99


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USED puch 30mph or 40mph VDO speedo with odometer, this version includes the complete black plastic housing as well. could be any puch speedo really. the important thing here is that you get the housing and rubber and all that special speedo parts stuff. you might even be able to unfreeze the speedo, but be warned, we gave it the treats try and a big helping of pb blaster and we weren't able to make em work.... you've been warned...

note you may get a 30mph or 40mph speedo! might be a normal black face speedometer or the orange and green ZA50 style speedo.

perfect for maxi, swinger, pinto, freespirit, magnums and such. some magnums will not require the black plastic housing, so get the speedo without housing instead.

no returns!!

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