USED puch complete VDO 40 mph speedometer with housing - pinto style
USED puch complete VDO 40 mph speedometer with housing - pinto style
alternate reality price $47.99


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used puch 40mph speedo with odometer, this version includes the complete black plastic housing as well. these are the solid black background speedos with VDO instead of the puch logo on the face..

the one you will receive will have between 0 and 99999 miles! amazing!

the red plastic needle will likely be warped as this is extremely common with VDO speedos of this vintage.

may have the puch logo or VDO logo below the odometer! also may or may not have the PUCH sticker on the plastic housing!!

perfect for maxi, swinger, pinto, freespirit, magnums and such. some magnums will not require the black plastic housing, so get the speedo without housing instead.

no returns!

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  1 taco eaters like this review
1 of 5 Disappointment June 27, 2023
taco eater : shavar douglas from Boston, MA United States  
So I purchased this 40 mph o sensor with high expectation and hope of seeing the needle pass 30 mph unfortunately that was a short-lived dream when I open the treats package the needle was sitting behind the retainer pin, Speedo is actually in worse shape than the description needle is warped but that's the least of its issues

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